Saturday, August 11, 2007

Overdrive - Downloadable EBooks and Audio Books

Greenville County Schools has purchased a subscription to Overdrive. Overdrive allows students and teachers to download ebooks and audio books using their district log-in and password. Books can be saved to CDs or dowloaded to media devices.

Educator Plus at

Because of changes in technology (especially in our building) we are moving from the old BDS (building distribution system), cable television (we don't have it) and ETV satellite programming, I would recommend that you make special note of and bookmark Educator Plus for your viewing pleasure.

Programming includes SIC updates, "Carolina Careers" for your CDF, ESOL updates, Library Media Specialist Town Meetings, Foreign Language Town Meetings and much more. Stop fooling around with programming that old VCR and check out Educator Plus!

Test Your Students' Information Literacy IQ

Information Literacy is the ability to know when you need information, to know what kind of information you need, to know where to find this information, to know how to determine if it's good information and to use it effectively. There are a set of Information Literacy standards and those standards are integrated into state curriculum standards.

Thre is a tool available called TRAILS (Tool for Real-time Assessment of Information Literacy Skills). TRAILS is a web-based, multiple choice assessment targeting those Information Literacy skills. If you would like to assess your students' grasp of Information Literacy standards, please see me to schedule a session to test your students.