You can integrate geocaching (real and virtual) into any content area. Use existing caches or create your own!
- Hand-held GPS units last longer than car GPS units but they can be used
- Take a pencil to sign log books
- Containers to create your own cache (research this before you attempt - there are guidelines) - ammo boxes (from Army/Navy store), pill bottles, Rubbermaid containers
- Take a camera!
- Beware of GeoMuggles
- Experienced members of the group agreed that Garmin is a good brand. Don't spend a lot of money. More expensive models have more but unnecessary functions.
- Some phones that are GPS enabled can be used, but may require additional subscription costs.
- There is software you can purchase that will load locations to multiple GPS units (good for classes)
- Check descriptions for locations before you plan your visits for terrain conditions, pet restrictions, etc.
- Check with ranger stations at parks for lists