Thursday, July 19, 2007

Google Teacher

Thanks to Alan November @ SCASL 2007 , my eyes have been opened to the educational tools and ways to integrate Google tools into lessons. I subscribed to the Google Educator newsletter and found Google Teacher Activities to help you use tools such as Google Earth (with literature & social studies) into your lessons. See more ideas and activities at the Infinite Thinking Machine
Check out Google Notebook (a new one for me) to see how you can create lesson plans to help scaffold the use of the Internet in your lessons.
Too often we assume that students know what we know (or more) about using the Internet - not so. Students need guidance in creating searches, determining which search engine or database is most appropriate, evaluating search results and evaluating the information the uncover. Next time you plan a research project or a lesson incorporating the Internet, be sure to first determine if your lesson should be an opportunity to educate your students on the proper way to conduct an Internet search, or should your lesson be an opportunity for your students to access important information from the Internet quickly without spending extra class periods on search instruction. If your mission is the latter you should provide your students with links to relevant and reliable information using a webquest, pathfinder, Google Custom Search Engine or social bookmarking tool, such as Your friendly Library Media Specialist would LOVE to help you with these tasks :)
Find helpful "how tos" on how to use the incredible Google tools that are available for your use in your classroom at Tools for Your Classroom. I've tinkered with almost all the tools on this page and they are quite easy to use. Brainstorm with your classes to find ways to use these tools! Be sure to visit the Google Poster Page for really nice posters and quizzes to go along with your new lessons.

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