Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One Minute How-To Podcast

I found a fun podcast this morning called "The One Minute How-To". Either the host, George, or a guest (an average person just like you) will explain how to do something in 60 seconds or less. Topics include "How To Get Your Artwork Hung Right The First Time", "How To Prevent Sunburn", "How To Save Time Editing Your Podcast Using Audacity", "How to Set Meaningful Goals and Reach Them ", "How To Organize A River Clean-up", "How To Read A Story Aloud" - just to mention a few of the 164 episodes. You can listen to them from "The One Minute How-To" website using your computer, download individual episodes or subscribe to the podcast feed using a "podcatcher" such as Feedburner or iTunes.
This would be a great exercise for the classroom, especially in ELA where most standards can be covered in The Writing Process, Communication: Speaking, Preparing and Presenting Information; make it a mini research project and include Selecting a Research Topic, Gathering Information and Refining a Topic; have students evaluate each other and cover Communication: Listening standards.
This activity could be modified for use in any subject area or grade level, but preparation and flexibility are of utmost importance. For all subject areas pre-writing is key.
Please share your ideas for your class!

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